
The Web Code

  1. Web framework, Style (CSS), Javascript (JS) is written by me.

Icon & Logo

  1. I don't claim any icons and/or logos related to Social Media, Emoji, and Cryptocurrency Symbol on this website. The credits go to the respective owners.


External Font

  1. Roboto (Designed by Christian Robertson). Is under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
  2. Major Mono Display (Designed by Emre Parlak). Is under the Open Font License.
  3. Tektur (Designed by Adam Jagosz). Is under the Open Font License.

Internal Font (If doesn't support external font).

  1. Roboto, Noto Sans, Segoe UI, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif, Noto Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Apple Color Emoji, Noto Sans Symbols, Noto Sans Symbols2, Segoe UI Symbol, Apple Symbols. Is a preloaded font come with operating system, it used base on user who open this website.